Returnable Boxes

Home Articles Returnable Boxes

Reducing Waste Where You Can

The Ecommerce box has gone through many design innovations through the last few years mainly driven by sustainability and delivery options.

The rip open tab was a breakthrough as was the strip tape to seal the box initially. Very simple ideas but they have made a massive difference for both the seller and consumer.

Ever mindful of the social change towards sustainably sourced and recyclable packaging, the Ecommerce box manufacturers haven’t been allowed to stand still and they have kept on researching and innovating to find better solutions.

Again, (in retrospect a very simple idea) they have come up with a solution to make returnable boxes available to all by simply adding another strip of tape and moving the tear tab (see image).

The advent of the returnable Ecommerce box seems insignificant but when you look more closely, it’s a massive step forwards. By eliminating extra packaging which would have to have been used to return a product (and some of that could be plastic) the Ecommerce returnable box will therefore significantly reduce waste.

If you’d like to know more call us on 01733 233884 or Check out the YouTube video here